GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 FOSSASIA

Visualize data from a CSV file on a google map

completed by: Samarjeet Singh

mentors: Kalpa Welivitigoda


Suppose you are given the task to develop a web site for tourism in your country. You are asked to add a page with a map which contains all the tourist attraction places. The map will have some pointers on the interested places, and when a person clicks on the pointer, it will show the name of the place, a short description, a picture of the place and a link to more information.

Those information (name, description, location - latitude and longitude, link to the image etc) for all the places are defined in a CSV (Comma separated value) file.

Your task is to develop that CSV file (populate it with some sample data), and use that file to visualize those information on a google map.

If you need any clarification, please feel free to ask.