
Mailing List:
SymPy is an open source python library for symbolic computing. In the SymPy community we all believe in the merits and greatness of the open source approach but for the moment let us focus on the "symbolic computing" part.
Symbolic computing systems, also called computer algebra systems (CASs) are used in research and engineering for solving a variety of mathematical problems symbolically. In modern labs you will rarely see a researcher solving mundane equations by hand. They usually give them to a computer algebra system to solve so they can spend their time on more interesting and intricate work.
What does it mean to solve problems symbolically? It means that instead of giving a numerical solution, as many systems do, a CAS will derive the solution using symbolic algebra, the same way that you would do it if you were to do it by hand on paper. So if you tell SymPy to solve the equation x2 = 2 for x, it will give you √2 and -√2, exactly.
You can see for examples Quick examples to start to get an idea of the rich set of abstract operations that a CAS supports. Some of the math may be unknown to you but do not be afraid: there is much that you can do for the project that does not involve hard math. You can look also at Wolfram Alpha to see another example of a CAS. This one is more feature complete than SymPy, but proprietary, so the source code is not available to the public. Actually Wolfram Alpha is just one service based on the Mathematica CAS, a popular proprietary CAS.
Completed Tasks
- 1/function() should be printed differently by latex printer
- ``See Also`` feature in Combinotorics
- ``See Also`` feature in functions
- ``See Also`` feature in functions/special
- ``See Also`` feature in Geometry
- ``See Also`` feature in integrals
- ``See Also`` feature in Matrices
- ``See Also`` feature in Number Theory
- Add a feed of what people are doing at SymPy Live
- Add more tips to the tips page (10 tips)
- Add more tips to the tips page (10 tips)
- Add more tips to the tips page (10 tips)
- Add more tips to the tips page (10 tips)
- Add more tips to the tips page (10 tips)
- Add more tips to the tips page (10 tips)
- Allow to manage slow tests better with our test runner
- automatic testing of examples
- bin/test --random should also shuffle tests inside a file
- Bug in subs
- Clean up
- Commented out tests should be XFAILed
- Convert the Bulgarian tutorial to .po files
- Convert the Czech tutorial translation to use .po files
- Convert the Russian tutorial translation to use .po files
- Create a SymPyDeprecationWarning for deprecated SymPy behavior
- Create examples/short tutorials using IPython's notebook (IPython >= 0.12)
- Create examples/short tutorials using IPython's notebook (IPython >= 0.12)
- Create examples/short tutorials using IPython's notebook (IPython >= 0.12)
- Create examples/short tutorials using IPython's notebook (IPython >= 0.12)
- Create examples/short tutorials using IPython's notebook (IPython >= 0.12)
- Create examples/short tutorials using IPython's notebook (IPython >= 0.12)
- Create sticker for SymPy based on the logo
- Create sticker for SymPy based on the logo
- Create sticker for SymPy based on the logo
- Create sticker for SymPy based on the logo
- Create sticker for SymPy based on the logo
- Create sticker for SymPy based on the logo
- Create XFAIL tests for open issues
- Create XFAIL tests for open issues
- Create XFAIL tests for open issues
- Create XFAIL tests for open issues
- Document all the options to latex()
- Document why unpickling a singleton doesn't return the singleton object with protocol 0 and 1
- Don't allow empty execution in SymPy Live.
- Fill in missing tests for sympy.physics module in
- Fix docstrings to work with Sphinx
- Fix the SymPy Logo
- Flesh out the SymPy Papers wiki page
- Implement tab completion in SymPy Live
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: assumptions
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: combinatorics
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: concrete
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: core
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: functions
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: galgebra
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: geometry
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: integrals
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: logic
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: matrices
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: ntheory
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: parsing
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: physics
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: polys
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: printing
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: series
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: simplify
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: solvers
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: statistics
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: tensor
- Import all public functions and classes into Sphinx: utilities
- Improve our webpage
- Improve the code coverage of the functions module
- Improve the code coverage of the geometry module
- Improve the code coverage of the matrices module
- Improve the code coverage of the series module
- Improve the code coverage of the statistics module
- Improve the interface of SymPy Live
- in core/ there is unneeded try, except block
- Infinity should not be a subclass of Rational
- integration of 1/(1+x**2) works but 1/(1+u**2) fails
- Issues with the SymPy Live mobile interface: Allow to force non-mobile version
- Issues with the SymPy Live mobile interface: Arrow buttons lose keyboard focus
- Issues with the SymPy Live mobile interface: Change the colors
- Issues with the SymPy Live mobile interface: Errors are not displayed
- Issues with the SymPy Live mobile interface: Fix button alignment
- Issues with the SymPy Live mobile interface: Make the buttons bigger
- Issues with the SymPy Live mobile interface: Recent Searches
- Issues with the SymPy Live mobile interface: Streamline the entry box
- Issues with the SymPy Live mobile interface: Zoom problem
- latex(symbol_names) not working with ~x
- List of dependencies
- isn't so easy to use on a mobile device
- should save settings.
- Logging for the IRC channel
- Make side boxes on SymPy Live only shrink when the title is clicked on
- Make the session frame at resizable.
- Make video tutorials for SymPy
- Make video tutorials for SymPy
- Make video tutorials for SymPy
- Make video tutorials for SymPy
- Make video tutorials for SymPy
- Make video tutorials for SymPy
- Make video tutorials for SymPy
- Make video tutorials for SymPy
- Make video tutorials for SymPy
- Make video tutorials for SymPy
- Move stuff from the Google Code SVN to git
- Move the KroneckerDelta class to another module
- Package the latest version of SymPy for the major distributions: Debian / Ubuntu
- Package the latest version of SymPy for the major distributions: MacPorts
- Package the latest version of SymPy for the major distributions: openSUSE
- Package the latest version of SymPy for the major distributions: other?
- Parts of the pyglet plotting module does not follow PEP 8, fix it
- Pass
- Pass Combinatorics
- Pass Geometry
- Pass Integrals
- Pass Interactive
- Pass Logic
- Pass Physics (Not Quantum or Mechanics)
- Pass Solvers
- Pass Statistics
- Pass Tensor
- Pretty print Product
- Pretty printing at SymPy-Live doesn't work if the window is resized
- Problem installing in Windows
- Remove bare except statements
- Remove dead code from _eval_subs()
- Research ways to extract statistics from the issue tracker
- Research ways to extract statistics from the issue tracker
- Research ways to extract statistics from the issue tracker
- Run the sage tests with ./bin/test when possible
- S('x!') fails (should be factorial(x))
- test should run the doctests even when the regular tests fail
- Some kind of queueing/typeahead in SymPy Live
- Strange printing at SymPy Live.
- SymPy Cheat Sheet
- sympy development rules
- SymPy Live ( evaluation should clear the text immediately.
- SymPy-Live should save the history when logged in
- The installation guide should be in the Sphinx docs
- The Product() class should not evaluate by default
- Translate our webpage to Bulgarian
- Translate our webpage to Czech
- Translate our webpage to French
- Translate our webpage to German
- Translate our webpage to Polish
- Translate our webpage to Russian
- Translate tutorial to Bulgarian
- Translate tutorial to Czech
- Translate tutorial to German
- Translate tutorial to Polish
- Translate tutorial to Russian
- Translate tutorial to Serbian
- Unicode Sigma for pretty printed Sum
- Update .mailmap
- Update isympy manpage
- Update stuff that SymPy can do on the homepage
- Update SymPy's Wikipedia article
- Use "with open" instead of "open … close"
- Use \functionname instead of \operatorname{functionname} whenever possible
- use pyflakes or pylint to identify simple bugs in sympy and fix them
- use pyflakes or pylint to identify simple bugs in sympy and fix them
- use pyflakes or pylint to identify simple bugs in sympy and fix them
- use pyflakes or pylint to identify simple bugs in sympy and fix them
- use pyflakes or pylint to identify simple bugs in sympy and fix them
- use pyflakes or pylint to identify simple bugs in sympy and fix them
- use pyflakes to identify simple bugs in sympy and fix them
- Write a document showing the difference between SymPy and other mathematical systems: Axiom
- Write a document showing the difference between SymPy and other mathematical systems: Magma
- Write a document showing the difference between SymPy and other mathematical systems: Maple
- Write a document showing the difference between SymPy and other mathematical systems: Mathematica
- Write a document showing the difference between SymPy and other mathematical systems: Matlab
- Write a document showing the difference between SymPy and other mathematical systems: Maxima
- Write a document showing the difference between SymPy and other mathematical systems: Other
- Write a document showing the difference between SymPy and other mathematical systems: Sage