
License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
Mailing List: https://drupal.org/mailing-lists
"Come for the software, stay for the community" Drupal is an open source content management platform powering millions of websites and applications. Itβs built, used, and supported by an active and diverse community of people around the world. Use Drupal to build everything from personal blogs to enterprise applications. Thousands of add-on modules and designs let you build any site you can imagine. Join us today as we finalize our newest version of Drupal that might change the world! Interested in working on tasks for Drupal? Check out our new contributor documentation for GCI students @ https://www.drupal.org/node/984014Completed Tasks
- "Drupal 8 Multi-site" Develop a Drupal site and sub sites (mini sites) using one code base and multiple databases
- 'Administer users by role' module for Drupal 8
- Add a simple test to any Drupal 7 contrib module
- Add a simple test to any Drupal 8 contrib module
- Add a simple test to any Drupal 8 contrib module
- Add keywords to 7 Community Documentation pages
- Blog about being a newcomer to the Drupal community
- Blog about Drupal 8 Initiative "Configuration Management"
- Blog about Drupal 8 Initiative "HTML5"
- Blog about Drupal 8 Initiative "Mobile"
- Blog about Drupal 8 Initiative "Web Services"
- Build a Drupal Distribution for blogging
- Complete 2 Novice Issues
- Complete 2 Quick Fix Issues
- Complete 3 Novice Issues
- Complete 3 Quick Fix Issues
- Complete 4 Novice Issues
- Complete 5 Novice Issues
- Complete 5 Quick Fix Issues
- Complete any Novice Issue
- Complete the 5 Day Drupal Challenge
- Contribute to Drupal translations
- Create 5 Tasks for Drupal GCI 2015-16 Students
- Create a "GCI Students New to Drupal" page on DrupalLadder.org
- Create a digital marketing brochure for "Drupal GSoC/GCI"
- Create a Drupal Marketing Brochure
- Create a screencast demoing 3 searching options in Drupal 7
- Create a screencast of installing Drupal 8 using load balance of your choice
- Create a screencast on "How to Create Drupal 8.x modules"
- Create a screencast titled "Drupal 8 Installation guide"
- Create an Event/Meetup Template for Drupal User Groups
- Create high-res retina icons for any Drupal 6 contrib theme
- Create high-res retina icons for any Drupal 7 contrib theme
- Create high-res retina icons for any Drupal 8 contrib theme
- Create screencast of Drupalgeddon
- Design a T-Shirt for Drupal GCI 2013
- Design Drupal's GSoC/GCI Blog website
- Develop Drupal site using Git
- Document 3 Mobile CMS Interfaces compared to Drupal 8
- Document 5 ideas to help Drupal promote GSoC/GCI
- Document D7->D8 Theme Changes
- Download and document every single step of installing Drupal 8
- Download Drupal 8, Create a quick Blog Site, and Post blogs from a mobile device.
- Drupal 8 Install and New Feature Demo
- Find 10 Issues Without Summaries and update with detailed summary
- Find and Interview (virtually) a Google Summer of Code Student
- Find and resolve any Drupal 8 Core Novice Issue
- Finish Drupal Ladder [Drupal Core Ladder] - Find a core system that interests you and learn about it
- Finish Drupal Ladder [Drupal Core Ladder] - Test patches
- Finish Drupal Ladder [Drupal Core Ladder] - Work on a core issue
- Finish Drupal Ladder [Drupal Core Ladder] - Write a patch
- Finish Drupal Ladder [Drupal Core Ladder] - Write tests
- Finish Entire Drupal Ladder [Git Basics]
- Get involved with one of the Drupal 8 initiatives
- Help fix Critical Issues for Drupal 8
- Improve Drupal.org Registration/Welcome Process/Email
- Interact with Drupal bot about GCI
- Interact with Drupal bot about GSOC
- Learn the Drupal Admin UI by building a Drupal Gardens website for yourself
- Organize a Drupal installation/basics workshop at your school
- Participate in a Tuesday Drupal core mentoring office hour
- Participate in a Wednesday Drupal core mentoring office hour
- Play bug bingo and fix the bug
- Play contrib bug bingo and fix the bug
- Play contrib patch bingo and fix patch
- Play patch bingo and fix patch
- Populate the Social Share Count for a Drupal 8 content
- Port block_titlelink.module to Drupal 8
- Port delete_all.module to Drupal 8
- Port fblikebutton.module to Drupal 8
- Port getid3.module to Drupal 8
- Port login_destination.module to Drupal 8
- Port scroll_to_top.module to Drupal 8
- Port terms_of_use.module to Drupal 8
- Re-design Drupal.org's Front page
- Recommend 20 unique GCI tasks for our organization
- Report an issue for Drupal 8 XmlSitemap module
- Reproduce an Issue and Create Webcast on How to do Accessibility Testing
- Reroll a Drupal Core patch
- Reroll a Drupal core patch
- Reroll a Drupal core patch for a bug
- Reroll a Drupal core patch for a bug
- Reroll a Drupal core patch for a bug
- Review GSoc 2014 Project "Build a schema.org mapping tool for Drupal 8β
- Review GSoc 2014 Project "Drupal - fluxpocket (Pocket integration for Fluxkraft)β
- Review GSoc 2014 Project "Port Diff module to D8β
- Set up a Drupal 8 installation using Load Balancing(using HAProxy)
- Set up your own eCommerce store using Commerce Kickstart
- Test and review 'Entity Embed' module
- Test and Review simplytest.me
- Test Drupal 8 core and it's features with any Accessibility tool
- Test Drupal 8 default theme on Multiple Devices in Multiple Browsers
- Theme Drupal's GSoC/GCI Blog website
- Try to install Drupal 8 on Nginx and document the steps
- Visit a WebDev shop that uses Drupal
- Write 3-paragraph essay to explain what is Drupal to grandpa/grandma
- XML Sitemap' module for Drupal 8