GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 Haiku

Submit a 20kb+ patch containing codestyle fixes in any part of the Caya source tree (

completed by: Freeman2430

mentors: Barrett

One of the basic skills that any developer on any platform is required to have is coding style.

What to do to complete this task :

  • Download the Caya tree to your system

You can checkout the source code by using the following command (subversion required) :
svn checkout

  • Choose a file (or a group of files) which is not following the Haiku Coding Guidelines

It's required from students doing this task to uniform the entire file you are working on
to the Haiku Codestyle Guidelines. One of the parts of Caya that requires massive codestyle fixes are :


  • Create a patch using the command "svn diff" and once it is big 20kb (or more) submit it to this task for review.

You can ask to your mentors for parts of the system that requires urgent codestyle fixes. If the file(s) you are working on require(s) a lot more than a 20kb patch to solve all their codestyle issues, after completing this task you can ask your mentors to link you another task for the remaining work.

WARNING: Don't make any FUNCTIONAL CHANGE to the code, only style fixes patches will be accepted.