GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 Haiku

Code a blog editor app that can connect to webblog APIs - Part 3 - GUI and Locale Kit support

completed by: Puck Meerburg

mentors: Barrett, TriEdgeAI, Gerasim Troeglazov, jscipione

This is a follow on task to create a blogging program for Haiku called Blog Positive.  This part of the task should focus on improving the GUI code (it should make use of Haiku's layout manager) adding support for language translation (it should make use of Haiku's locale kit).  Fixing of exisiting bugs.  Cleaning up the source code so that it follows Haiku coding guideline:

Optionally add in metadata and support for other blogging sites.

Previous task here:

 For this task, the key to to make use of Haiku's layout manager and it works along with the locale kits to ensure the GUI works when changes the locales.