Open Education Resource Foundation

License: MIT license
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The Open Education Resource (OER) Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that provides leadership, international networking and support for educators and educational institutions to achieve their objectives through Open Education. Our two main projects are WikiEducator (for developing and sharing educational resources) and the OERu initiative (where universities, colleges, and polytechnics world wide offer degree credit for open online courses).Projects
- Peer Evaluation and enhancement of course registration/flow Peer evaluation :It will allow the learners and other people involved to grade peers. A fixed number of activities of a particular kind will be assigned to each learner which he/she will have to grade. Others for example, instructors, courses managers can choose any blog which they would want to evaluate. Course registration and flow improvements. The mediawiki Education Program extension will be extended to include the features of existing wikieducator widgets and some new features.