TEAMMATES Project @ National University of Singapore

License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
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TEAMMATES is an online feedback management system for teachers/students. It is a free SaaS application that runs on the Google App Engine. It is currently used by more than 50 universities. It is a not-for-profit project funded by education grants. The long-term vision of TEAMMATES is to become the biggest student-built project in the world. So far, it has received contributions of 70+ student developers and have done more than 100 releases over a four year period. Because one of main aims of TEAMMATES (the project) is to ‘train students’ in contributing to non-trivial OSS productions system, it is well-designed, well-documented, and well-tested (we have a very high level of automated testing).The product is using cutting edge emerging technologies (e.g., Google App Engine) learning of which will benefit students. Because TEAMMATES (the product) is a software 'for students, by students', students can relate to the problem domain better and the scale of the system is big enough (~100 KLoc) without being overwhelmingly huge for student contributors. Project led by faculty member Damith C. Rajapakse ( and his team. Product website: Project website: Instructions for GSoC applicants:
- application for TEAMMATES in Google Summer of Code My name is Gu Junchao, a year 2 Computer Engineering Student in National University of Singapore. I think I will be a good candidate for this project because I have much experience in Google App Engine and I also have a good understanding of the projects already by contributing to the project. With my skills, my passion and my willingness to learn new technology, I am sure I will do well in the project
- Optimized Student Profiles+ A derivation from an acknowledged high priority project; to allow for the creation of profiles by the students. Additional features underscore the main goal of this project (provision for instructors to keep a record of their past and current students) as well as the user experience. In terms of the basic features, a student can create and maintain a profile which the instructors can view, collate and use for their own official work.
- TEAMMATES GSoC 2014 Proposal a Proposal for Omni Comments, Flexible Access Control and Optimized Student Profiles.
- TEAMMATES Project Proposal – Stats and Charts Preferred project is implementation of stats and charts, since the target user for TEAMMATES is mainly for instructors, and whilst incorporating multiple/customizable question types for instructors is important, displaying the results in a processed form to aid in its analysis is also a very important aspect for instructors.