License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
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FOSSASIA is a non-profit organization supporting developers and makers of the Free and Open Source technologies in Asia. The aim of FOSSASIA is to develop and adapt open technologies for social change with a focus on Asian users. Projects range from open hardware, to design, graphics and software. FOSSASIA offers resources to projects and organizes meetups and code camps.
The annual FOSSASIA Summit is the top Free and Open Source technology event in Asia. It was established in 2009. Previous events took place in Cambodia and Vietnam.
Apart from our projects at we are looking for GSOC applications that cooperate with existing projects adding support to applications, e.g. graphic interfaces for projects like sms servers, thus making tools available for a wider public in Asia and globally. The FOSSASIA community is working exclusively with freely licensed software.
Please have a look on our proposed projects and feel free to add your ideas through a pull request:
- AYAB software Improvements While AYAB currently represents features of a pattern via an internal dictionary, there is not a single publicly available format to specify patterns, extra meta data and knitting instructions. This proposal aims to fix this need, by implementing an extensible file format, capable of storing the pattern info, meta data and extra info. The proposal also includes the addition of editing features well as more pattern editing features, for example a basic pixel art editor.
- CJK Internationalisation of Text Processing CJK Internationalisation of Text Processing CJK stands for “Chinese, Japanese, Korean”. The goal of the FFII project for Internationalisation of Text Processing is to embed Asian text into texts document using the Latin alphabet.
- Develop the FOSSASIA Event App In this application I’ll present main idea for project of implementing FOSSASIA Event App.
- Developing a Graphical User Interface for Knitting Machines The project allows tailors and artisans to easily utilize, manage and troubleshoot knitting machines, to manage their patterns, and to help them connect their knitting devices to computers.
- Enhancements of Typesetting for Asian Users The goal is to implement a typesetting system that reads plain text mixed with formatting commands and produces formatted output. Output may be PostScript or PDF, html, or ASCII/UTF8 for display at the terminal. Formatting commands may be either low-level typesetting requests (“primitives”) or macros from a supplied set. Users may also write their own macros.l
- Extend and promote FOSSASIA / Freifunk API FOSSASIA API is a simple API that collect decentralized data from open-source communities all over ASIA. This project aims to add new useful features to the toolbox, as well as enhance existing tools. Also, the project proposes several strategies to promote the API, by making it more popular, accessible and easy-to-use.
- Extend Features of Online Calendar The idea is to work an open cloud calendar where people store quickly a few information about interesting events, so that others can also easily know about them. The calendar makes it easy and fast to get notified and store interesting events in its own external calendars.
- GSOC 2015 Application: Manan Wason ( FOSSASIA event app) I have mentioned my ideas to create the new FOSSASIA event app from scratch as well as enhance the existing the features on the existing FOSSASIA companion app.
- Improve the tooling for the sTeam collaboration platform A collaboration platform is what is needed the most in order to give everyone the platform to share their code, ideas and thoughts to their own groups and getting feedback, comments and reviews as they create it along the way. The sTeam collaboration platform aims at providing these services all in one, in an efficient and well organized manner. This project aims at improving and creating the command line tools of this platform, in order to increase it's functionality and make it better.
- Loklak single page interface Loklak provides the mechanism to search anonymously, with fewer limits and from more sources in the future. At the current state, JSON results and loklak API are very flexible for developers to use. My proposal, in short, aims to provide a single page web interface to additive search, filter, re-order, and track the result of a search operation. This web page can meet and exceed the expectations of general users, who are restrained by the service provider, such as Twitter and its search page.
- Proposal for participating in Nitrokey's GSoC project ideas This is a Google Summer of Code 2015 proposal submission. I'm interested in participating in Nitrokey's ideas for open source software development.
- Rewrite the web interface for sTeam Collaboration platform The idea is to build user interface for the sTeam collaboration platform on top of the REST APIs which are already built and served. Why sTeam? sTeam is written using pike which have the capability of serving endpoints to Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) documents all under one roof. As of the current interface interactions, non-REST APIs are used. sTeam is perfect as it supports almost all the functionality which we are looking for a collaboration platform.
- Sensor Plug-ins, Add-on devices and GUI Improvements for ExpEYES ExpEYES is an Open Source Pocket Science Lab for developing science experiments, classroom demonstrations and a test equipment for electronics hobbyists. This proposal aims to improve the GUI's, add new Sensor Plug-ins to measure various parameters and to enhance the scope of ExpEYES for using it to perform several new experiments with low cost devices. Our aim is also to develop a low-cost stand alone data acquisition system that can be used for weather monitoring or environmental studies.
- sQuick - Offline Text Search Tool in Pharo Smalltalk Search Quick(sQuick) is intended to build an application to enable a user to search and update from a text collection offline. It aims to make substantial use of global index to return better results. Major challenges perceived during the development include multilingual support and designing of optimal algorithm to guarantee quick results. Post GSoC, the project would be maintained and its features updated with time. Looking forward to being a regular developer in the open source community.
- Timeline and search navigation for loklak is free software hosted on which provides message search results from twitter in json format. loklak is a complete search engine back-end solution with a json api. What is missing to provide a search web page is a web page design showing the json search results as timeline in the style of a twitter search result. The data to be presented will all be within the json API of loklak. The timeline web page must also provide features like a twitter wall.
- Timeline and Search Navigation for is a service that provides an open, free and anonymous search API for Twitter. The objective of this project is to create and design a webpage that displays the search results. This is to be done by using an AJAX request to Loklak’s API in the webpage, parsing the JSON and then displaying them in the style of Twitter search results. It will have the following features: Auto-refresh search results, Filter Results, Popular Hashtags and Search by URL parameters.
- Web Service for 2D Body Measurement The project is aimed at revamping the Front End of the Web Service developed to support the BodyApps project.Most of the work will be related to refactor the code and redevelop it with AngularJS.