The MacPorts Project

License: New and Simplified BSD licenses
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MacPorts is a ports collection and packaging system for OS X. Created in 2002 as DarwinPorts, we have an ever-growing collection of ports (currently over 22000), many of which accept multiple configuration variants. MacPorts itself works on both PowerPC and Intel Macs, running OS X 10.4 through 10.10, and many ports support a similar breadth of systems. As one of the primary means of building and installing open source software on OS X, MacPorts is an important interface between OS X and the rest of the open source world.
- MacPorts: Improve Dependency Calculation using SAT solver. MacPorts package manager makes installing open source packages hassle-free and user friendly on Mac OS X. The dependency calculation code is quite old; efficient dependency calculation methods have been developed since. This project aims at upgrading this dependency calculation process making it fast and efficient by using CUDF based SAT solver. This project will provide foundation for features like versioned dependency, conflict resolution, etc.
- Revitalizing Pallet The idea behind the project is to revitalize the Official MacPorts GUI, Pallet, to a workable state (according to as of 14 days it still has errors on compilation), and then to improve it through a variety of means.