
License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)
Web Page: http://p2psp.org/en/news/55-gsoc-2015-ideas-page
Mailing List: https://lists.launchpad.net/p2psp/
P2PSP.org is a nonprofit organization that develops the P2PSP protocol. P2PSP is an application layer protocol designed for the real-time streaming of multimedia content over the Internet. P2PSP is free, open, Creative Common Attribution-sharealike 4 International licensed.
- Implementation of Content Integrity Set of rules for P2PSP Currently, Python implementation of P2PSP protocol doesn't contain Content Integrity Set of rules (CIS). This set of rules allows to mitigate the pollution attacks (where the content is modified by an attacker). There is two variants of this set of rules, both are based on Third Trusted Party. The aim of this project is to implement both variants of CIS of rules for Python implementation of P2PSP, and to try to suggest CIS of rules without Third Trusted Party.
- INTEGRATION OF GUI,PLAYER AND PEER FOR THE P2PSP PYTHON IMPLEMENTATION The main aim of this project is to control peers and their configuration ,control player,control peer and player communication . Hence interacting with peers and player and coordinating with them through designing, implementing and integrating a graphical user interface for the Peer in the P2PSP python implementation.
- NAT traversal via hole punching Set of Rules as a Python implementation Peer-to-peer connections are popular, as they allow to save bandwidth and remove the need for centralized servers. If both peers are behind a NAT device / router, UPnP and the IGD protocol are necessary. They are (being) implemented in P2PSP, however both need prior configuration in one of the NAT devices. This project is dedicated to implement NAT traversal via hole punching without prior configuration. It is implemented in Python as a new Set of Rules inheriting existing classes.