Sakai Project

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Sakai is an open source Open Academic Environment for learning, teaching and research, in use at 350 universities and other higher education institutions around the world. Over a million users use Sakai daily. The Sakai Foundation coordinates the activities of the Sakai open source community and provides shared resources to support community activities.
- Sakai CLE mobile app Sakai has a powerful RESTful interface called EntityBroker, which has the ability to expose data in Sakai as XML and JSON. This project is to develop a mobile application for Sakai, using PhoneGap, so that it runs on a variety of platforms (iOS and Android in the first instance). The application will consume the data available via EntityBroker to render its views and perform its functions. As discussed up to now app. will be fully written in javascript and HTML.
- Sakai OAE Column Storage Driver This project aims to enhance the currently available Cassandra Column Storage driver as well as create a new Column Storage driver (for a NoSQL database which will be decided during the term) for Sakai's sparsemapcontent. The new driver created will be well tested with unit tests, integration tests, soak tests and some performance tests.
- Sakai OAE native mobile app I am Mayte Giménez, and I am a last year student of computer science at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. Right now I am working at University at Sakai development team with David Roldan. I have been working with Sakai for the last 3 years, always with scholarships. A cross platform application has a lot of advantages for education institutions and I would like to make myself useful in this new opportunity, developing a native application.