GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 Drupal

Create new preview elements for Style Guide module

completed by: dmitrig01

mentors: agentrickard

Task description:

The Style Guide module for Drupal provides a visual testing page for Drupal themes. Quickly compare the display of common elements across installed Drupal themes, and verify that selected themes addresses all common style elements.

-- Download and install Drupal 7.
-- Visit the 'Appearance' page in the administration interface to find the Style Guide links.

New plugins

Using the API (styleguide.api.php, in the module download), create a patch to that adds preview elements only when optional core modules are enabled:

-- Aggregator (2 hrs)
--- theme_aggregator_item()
--- theme_aggregator_summary_items()
-- Book (2 hrs)
--- theme_book_navigation()
-- Comment (2 hrs)
--- theme_comment()
--- theme_comment_post_forbidden()
-- Forum (4 hrs)
--- theme_forums()
--- theme_forum_form()
--- theme_forum_list()
--- theme_forum_topic_list()
-- Image (4 hrs)
--- theme_image_style(), for all active styles.
-- Poll (2 hrs)
--- theme_poll_results()
--- theme_poll_vote()
-- Profile (4 hrs)
--- theme_profile_listing()
-- Search (4 hrs)
--- theme_search_block_form()
--- theme_search_result()
--- theme_search_results()

Additional core theme elements to include:

-- theme_breadcrumb() (1 hr)
-- theme_confim_form() (1 hr)
-- theme_feed_icon() (1 hr)
-- theme_filter_tips() (2 hrs)
-- theme_link() (1 hr)
-- theme_links() (1 hr)
-- theme_mark() (1 hr)
-- theme_maintenance_page() (2 hrs)
-- theme_menu_link() (1 hr)
-- theme_more_help_link() (1 hr)
-- theme_more_link() (1 hr)
-- theme_pager() (2 hrs)
-- theme_progress_bar() (2 hrs)
-- theme_system_powered_by() (1 hr)
-- theme_user_picture() (2 hrs)
-- theme_user_profile() (2 hrs)


-- Patch(es) to include the desired features to the Style Guide module.


Style Guide module: Style guide module

Primary contact:
