GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 GNOME

Test and finish the Romanian translation for gbrainy

completed by: Cristofor Ochinca

mentors: Daniel Șerbănescu

Task description:
Download the updated translation for gbrainy

Download and install gbrainy (latest version 1.52) from (for Ubuntu-based dystem try this link:
then make a .mo file from the .po file of the translation and copy it to
How to do this?
Open a terminal and go to the folder where you have downloaded the .po file (with cd command)
then type:
msgfmt gbrainy* (if it says command not found; install it by running : sudo apt-get install gettext) now you should have a file in that folder
rename it to (mv
then: sudo cp /usr/share/locale-langpack/ro/LC_MESSAGES

You should set your Gnome system to use romanian language as a locale language
Then start playing gbrainy and pay attention to the translated messages

then translate the remaining strings in gbrainy:

77 completely untranslated strings
45 "fuzzy" strings

follow the indications from: and the ones below
translate according to the team's Translation Guidelines
use terms from the team's Glossary
the translation must be submitted on

having installed a GNOME distribution on your pc/laptop
good knowledge of English and Romanian languages
some familiarity with current style and terminology of Romanian GNOME translations (e.g. using a GNOME based distribution with the interface set to Romanian).

Extra: review the whole translation and correct mistakes.
virtaal (a tool used to help translate .po files)
virtaal PPA (a more up to date version of virtaal for Ubuntu)
how to contribute translations to GNOME
Romanian Translation Guidelines
Glossary of common terms
Romanian GNOME Team
Primary contact: Daniel Șerbănescu