GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 Haiku

Test Haiku's browser WebPositive on your favorite web sites

completed by: Giannis Konstantinidis

mentors: Ryan Leavengood

WebPositive is the WebKit based browser to be included with Haiku.  Being new it still needs some things fixed.  We need to get a list of web sites that don't work correctly so that developers have sites to test and update code against.  We need you to put together a list of 10+ web sites that aren't working correctly with (or don't look right in) WebPositive.

WebPositive only works on Haiku gcc2hybrid, gcc4hybrid and gcc4 builds, so be sure to grab a build of Haiku that WebPositive works on.

When testing your favorite sites with WebPositive please maintain a list of the sites that did work. When finding sites that do not work, note what was not working or what did not look right compared to when you browse that site in other browsers. This helps developers who may not be familiar with these sites to more easily determine the problem for later bug fixing. Once you've found 10 or more bad sites or have tested 50 sites your task is done. Lastly, please provide your list of good and bad sites.