GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 RTEMS Project

Ensure Wiki Pages for MPC8313RDB and MVME2100 follow Format and are complete

completed by: DanielB

mentors: Mark RTEMS

RTEMS uses a Mediawiki installation for its wiki. Each embedded board supported by RTEMS is supposed to have its own wiki page. There is an Infobox on the upper right hand side of each BSP wiki page. Some BSPs do not have BSP pages and even those that do have pages created do not always have a completed Infobox. This is because we learned how to implement the Infoboxes after the pages were added, most of them are just stubs. The Infobox template is here and is the complete view of the fields available. A reasonably good example of a filled in Infobox is the Blackfin BF537 Stamp BSP page. This task consists of verifying that the following BSP pages adhere to the RTEMS BSP pages format and include all appropriate information.  It may require finding the vendor specification of the various boards in some cases.

Freescale MPC8313RDB (based on MPC8313E) BSP page.

Motorola MVME2100 BSP page.


Please ensure that you follow the format in BSP Template and have all sections.