GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2010 Sahana Software Foundation

Report a Bug in Sahana Eden

completed by: Taras Klaskovsky

mentors: Michael Howden, Pat Tressel, Praneeth, assad, Robert M. O'Connor

This task is for students who have ALREADY discovered a bug (e.g. while completing a different task using Sahana Eden).  If you haven't already found a bug, there would be no guarantee of finding one in a short time, so that's why we only recommend this task for students who have already found a bug.

Please report the bug using the bug reporting guidelines provided here:  Please review the sample of what makes a good bug report, and provide any screenshots that may be relevant.  It's especially important to include careful instructions for making the bug happen.

Also please check that the bug has not been reported already!  Do a search for similar bugs.  Sometimes a bug is reported for one form or view and you may have found the same bug in another form or view, but it's really the same problem.  Those don't need to be reported again.

We have enough layout and right-to-left language bug reports now, so please limit reports to non-layout and non-Urdu cases.  (Thanks to GCI students for finding these!  Now we know we need to do a review of the UI, so we don't need more examples.)

As our thanks for reporting a bug found, we will reward you with a simple and easy task completed for the Google Code-In.

Please join us on IRC: channel #sahana-eden.  If you don't have an IRC client, try

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Note that email about the task sent by Melange may end up in your spam folder, so if you claim this task, be sure to check your spam folder for messages.