Present Haiku at a local Linux User Group or similar interested group (standard talk) (can be done in your native language)

completed by: Conor

mentors: Ryan Leavengood, Joseph R. Prostko


As the subject says, the task is to present Haiku to a local audience, whether that be a Linux User Group, a technology club, a school, etc. The best method would likely be to do a standard presentation, as opposed to something like a Lessig-style talk which requires considerably more work and preparation. That can be left to the discretion of the student, but just keep in mind the time constraints of the task.


You must have a working knowledge of Haiku, preferably from actual use of the operating system, as you will likely be asked questions from your audience that will be hard to field otherwise. If you are not familiar with the history of Haiku, research will have to be done as well in order to formulate your presentation.

Doing a demonstration of Haiku during your presentation is encouraged, but not required. You can also opt to present video coverage of Haiku if you want to have a pre-done demonstration, as sometimes real-time demonstrations can go awry for a variety of reasons.

Assistance will be provided with regards to content, as well as general tips about how to give the presentation, if needed. Obviously, ask any questions you have along the way.

Here is a link to material from the talk by Andrew Kuchling, called Giving Python Talks. It is geared towards Python, but it does have many good general tips:

Again, here is more information, a lot that is specific to events like Pycon, but that also has generally good information.

Completion criteria:

Given the nature of this task, to consider it completed, you must present your talk materials (likely as a group of slides or a PDF), and mention what you think your plan of attack will be to give the talk. For example, make it known when you submit your presentation that you plan on giving the talk in two months to a local computer club. Obviously you may have no control over that aspect, but we are curious as to what your plans are.

This particular task will be assuming a talk of 30-50 minutes, so about 30-50 slides are expected to be shown before the deadline. Your presentation will be examined to make sure it is of acceptable quality. You can always feel free to modify them after submission to suit your needs as you see fit.

If you have unique circumstances, there can be some flexibility to completion criteria. That said, if you have any questions, please ask. Extensions will be granted on a case-by-case basis.

Reference Material:

Click here for a link to a blog post by Haiku developer, Ryan Leavengood, that he posted on after he gave a talk at the Florida Linux Show in 2009.

As you can see from reading that post, Ryan links to his presentation. Feel free to use his presentation for inspiration and ideas, but outright copying it will not be tolerated for the purpose of this exercise. Obviously, you'll likely have overlapping subject matter in your presentation compared to Ryan's, so it is understood that some slides with factual data may be similar.

Here is another presentation that can be used as a reference to get ideas. It was done in September 2010 by Haiku members Scott McCreary and Urias McCullough to the Linux Users Group of David (LUGoD).

Also, for some history about Haiku, please consult this thread:

For more information about Haiku, remember that Google is your friend!