GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 Haiku

Haiku Logo Variant - Squarish

completed by: Paul Gotea Cristian

mentors: Bruno Albuquerque, Urias McCullough, Matt Madia

The Haiku logo has evolved a little bit over the years, to it's current version:

The only problem with this logo is that it is rectangular in nature, making it difficult to incorporate into some artwork designs and marketing materials.

It would be nice to have an alternative logo design which is round or square in shape.

In the past, we have seen simply the "H" with the leaf on it, or simply a leaf by itself used for these purposes, but we would like some other alternatives.

If you think you can come up with something fresh and creative,, that still fits the Haiku style, this might be the task for you!

Let's see what you've got! Please only claim this task if you're serious about graphic design and elegance.