GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 Haiku

Add privoxy package to haikuports

completed by: Thomas Turney

mentors: Dario Casalinuovo

Your .bep file should be able to handle gcc2 or gcc4 builds.  If it fails to build with gcc2, then adding a Message into the .bep file explaining that should be added.

There are lots of example .bep files in svn on the Haikuports site.

NOTE: The tool is known to compile without any change in the source code (maybe just some headers naming/path or preprocessor changes, side where i can help as well...), your job is to make a .bep file that would automate these steps using haikuporter.

You should also configure properly the binary, setting the appropriated settings directory using configure command line arguments.

Also be sure to check your work before submit it.


The tool is available at the following URL :