Create a nice suggestion for a Wikipedia article for Marble in your own native language
completed by: jaydez
mentors: Torsten Rahn
"Marble is covered in Wikipedia in several languages. See Wikipedia in German, Wikipedia in English or Wikipedia in Italian
However, taking Marble's significance into account and comparing it to other Wikipedia articles like: Google Earth or NASA World Wind
.. the Marble Wikipedia article has room for lots of improvements. In fact Marble does already provide much of the feature set provided by Google Earth and NASA World Wind, see the feature matrix here: Virtual Globe
Create a suggestion for a Marble Wikipedia article in your own language. This might be an article in a language that is not yet covered or an article that has major improvements over the current version in your language. The article should adhere to Wikipedia principles.
Expected results: A high quality wikipedia article that is in line with Wikipedia rules and principles.
Prerequisites: A good understanding of Technical Writing and knowledge about Marble."