Translate calligra/words into Romanian for KDE
completed by: Lisbeth
mentors: Daniel Șerbănescu, Victor Carbune
Task description: Consists of:
- You have to finish the translation of words.po into Romanian.
- Here you have the .po file which needs translation:
- Software requirements: one of theese tools: poedit
- Several sentences/bullets that provide more detail into the task: What approach should students use? What level of detail are you looking for?
Expected results: translated and reviewed po file
- GuideLines: Please follow this guides in order to achieve the task:
- Glosarry:
Requirements: 1. having really good knowledge of romanian language (native speakers preffered) and english language and terminology 2. downloading one of theese tools: poedit, virtaal, gtranslator or the po tool of your choice, a quick guide here (in romanian) :
Difficulty: easy
Estimated Time: 1-2 hours for setting up the environment and reading the guidelines; 5-6 hours of work
Contact Details: Daniel Șerbănescu <cyber19rider [at] gmail [dot] com> or Victor Cărbune <victor [dot] carbune [at] gmail [dot] com>