GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 KDE

Create some nice documentation on how Marble map themes get installed on Mac OS X

completed by: James Shepherdson

mentors: Torsten Rahn

Marble allows to install further map themes. The KDE version does this using GHNS. However the pure Qt version requires the user to install the files on his own. This is especially true for the Windows version that is distributed by the Marble website.

Have a look at

Marble's Map Theme Website

and create a step-by-step tutorial with screenshots that shows how to install the files on Mac OS X using the zip-file support that comes with the OS. Ideally a video would be provided as well.

The result should be provided as a web page including screenshots.

Some guidelines for the screenshots:

Screenshots in manuals adhere to guidelines. There are some common sense rules. Some of which you find in the KDE screenshot guidelines: . They can be applied to Mac OSX screenshots accordingly:

The Mac OS X setup used should be a plain vanilla one. So ...

- Use the standard Mac OS X background and the standard decorations and standard icons. 

- no personal icons of installed applications on the desktop. The desktop should just look like one from a fresh Mac OS X install.

- ideally no or only very few custom icons on the panel

- no custom zip file tool. Please use the zip-file support that comes with the Mac OS X OS

- english language for all screenshots and of course for Marble

The screenshots should be rather small. You can easily achieve this by reducing the resolution of the display (e.g. to 800x600). This will make screenshots even easier to read if you create thumbnails of them.


The focus should really be on

1.) how to download the compressed files,

2.) how to extract the files (with the standard mac os x compression features) and where to install the extracted files.

We suggest to check the results of the Windows task as a reference: