GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 KDE

Create a simple climate zone map for Marble for classroom use

completed by: Mohammed Nafees

mentors: Torsten Rahn, Earthwings

Marble can display different kinds of maps. This task is about creating a very simple map that displays the world's climate zones. Have a look at Wikipedia's Climate article to become familiar with this topic:

In order to create the map have a look at the existing "Natural Earth III" map:

Unzip it and open the dgml file as well as the files referenced in there.

You can get a few explanations inside this file:

or have a look at our tutorial on how to create Historical Maps:

Once you feel familiar with the topic you can start to work on the climate zone map: You can take the "Natural Earth"'s dgml file as a template and replace the names ("Climate Zones") and ids ("climatezones" . The title of the map should be "Climate Zones". Use the following SVG for the actual map:

Render the SVG at a high resolution (at least 5400x2700 pixels).

Also add a legend to the map which displays the legend entries for the different climate zones displayed on the Url above.

Also add a link to the legend which points to this WikiBooks article about climate zones (have a look at the Historical Maps' legend.html file to see how this works):

Also add a nice preview icon in the very same style that is used for the other maps.

Expected results: A nice simple Climate Zone map for Marble that is ready for uploading to our KDE GHNS server.