Translate the Marble Brochure to your native language
completed by: Abhishek Arora
mentors: Torsten Rahn
There is a brochure that describes Marble's feature set and what Marble is all about. This brochure is created using Scribus:
In order to load and edit the brochure you need to install scribus and the font "Biolinum" which can be downloaded here:
Finally you can get the brochure scribus file here:
This task is about translating the brochure into French language.
Make sure that you preserve
- the font
- the screenshots
- the document layout
Try to find a good translation into your language.
Once you are done compare your document with this PDF and make sure that there are no differences in terms of styling and content:
Expected Result: The current Marble brochure provided as a translated .sla file.