GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 KDE

Create small tutorial videos for Marble

completed by: Simeon

mentors: Earthwings, Torsten Rahn

This task is about creating small tutorial videos for Marble. Each of the small videos should provide a quick but comprehensive introduction/overview into the following topics:

* Panning and Zooming in Marble (possibly pointing out the differences in terms of maximum zoom level for different map themes).

* Coordinate systems and switching to different projections in Marble

* Map Themes

* Use of the legends and their checkboxes

* Search and Routing in Marble.

* Downloading more maps and more data

For this task the same requirements as for screenshots apply:

Please set your KDE or Windows desktop with default style, color, window decorations and fonts. In System Settings, set the style and color for KDE to "Oxygen" (Ubuntu has no KDE default colors!). Read .

Also reset the Marble appearance by removing the file

~/.kde4/share/config/marblerc (for the KDE version)

~/.config/\ Desktop\ Globe.conf (for the Qt-only/Windows version)

The voice-over should be in English (preferably native or at least close).
Expected results: 6 video tutorials with english voice-over that explain how to use Marble.