GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 LimeSurvey

User interface: Token section workflow improvements

completed by: Nano8Blazex

mentors: Carsten Schmitz (c_schmitz)

There are some sections at the Limesurvey admin backend like the token part at which workflow improvements can be added. Often a summary page is shown even if you just made a minor change. Instead we should speed up the workflow and show just a pop-up, just to name a few issues.

This is a list of issues referring to the token screen:

  • Problem: When switching to the token admin screen you don't see a list of available tokens. You have to click on the "Display Tokens" icon first.
  • Solution: List all tokens below the "Token Summary" and above the "Token database options".


  • Problem: After having added a token entry you only see a short "New token was added" message with options to display tokens or add another token.
  • Solution: It would be better to show the confirmation as a pop-up, like it is done after having added answer options or having changed global settings, and directly move on to the "add token entry" page because usually users want to add several token entries one by one.
  • Alternative solution: When adding a token have two radio options above the save button: a) add another token after save (should be default) OR b) display tokens after save.


  1. Check the described issues using the online system we provide
  2. Search for the according code piece, for this task /admin/tokens.php is a good start
  3. Overwork the code to improve the workflow
  4. Create a patch file and send it to your mentor for review.
  5. Once the mentor accepts your patch he will add it to the current development branch