Find and report 3 bugs or GUI design issues at the new Central Participant Database feature of the upcoming Limesurvey 2.0alpha version (1/2)
completed by: Stanisław Chmiela
mentors: aniessh, Marcel Minke
During this years Google Summer of Code a cool new feature called "Central Participant Database" was coded. It will be available at the upcoming Limesurvey 2.0 alpha release. Though this feature was carefully tested there might still be some bugs in there and we want you to have a detailed look at this feature to check if you can find any weird behavior, misleading user interface or bugs.
Task Steps:
- Have a look at our testing instructions[IMAGE] and the CPDB documentation.
- Test this feature by checking each single function and note any weird behavior, error messages or anything else you think is worth being improved.
- Your mentor will go through your list and will discuss the details with you.
- Add all issues to the bugtracker.