GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 LimeSurvey

Port the Central Participant's Database panel attribute system into the YII framework

completed by: Aaron Schmitz

mentors: aniessh, Marcel Minke

The Limesurvey's new feature Central Participant's Panel needs to be ported into the YII branch. In this task you will port the CPDB attribute feature. 


Task Steps:

  • Install LimeSurvey - create a small survey. 
  • Understand the basic differences between the current token attribute system and the new attribute system . 
  • Understand how it interacts with the current system.
  • Port the attribute system into the new framework.
  • Discuss the patch with your mentor and ask for feedback.
  • Check-in your changes into the LimeSurvey svn trunk.
  • Done!