GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 LimeSurvey

Improve drag and drop functionality at attribute mapping

completed by: Daniel Klischies

mentors: aniessh, Marcel Minke

Central Participant's Database feature has a special drag and drop functionality for mapping/creating attributes in the token table to the central table and vice versa. The feature is working but needs improvement in the user interface.

Task Steps:

  • Install LimeSurvey - create a small survey with a token table and add a few dummy people there.
  • Create some attributes at the token level.
  • Create some attributes at the Central Participant Database panel.
  • Copy the previously added dummy people from token table to the central table.
  • You will be presented with a drag and drop screen that will allow you to match the attributes from the central and the token table.
  • Suggest how to improve the user interface.
  • Improve the user interface and create a patch.
  • Discuss the patch with your mentor and ask for feedback.
  • Check-in your changes into the limesurvey svn trunk.
  • Done!