GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 openSUSE Project

Create a new feature on openFate and make a video during the procedure(that can be used as Tutorial)

completed by: AntwanKakki

mentors: Kostas Koudaras

openFATE ( is the Feature- and Requirements Management System of the openSUSE community. It opens the process of product planning to all openSUSE members.It is a great tool and people should really use it and register their ideas there.

The student must create a video creating an original new feature he/she would like to see on openSUSE describing and recording the whole procedure on video tutorial so that other users can do it too.

The final video should have subtitles in .srt or other easy to translate format. Music would be nice and the music should be under Creative Commons license and give credits to the producer to the end of the video.