GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2011 The Perl Foundation

Write a post for the Dancer advent calendar

completed by: ViktorC

mentors: Paul Johnson, Florian Ragwitz, David Precious

Last year the Dancer web framework ran an advent calendar:

We plan to do the same this year, and are in the process of assembling posts.

The repository containing the advent calendar app and posts is

Look at the README file in the repository for existing post ideas, or feel free to suggest a new post idea you'd like to work on.

Articles are simply written in POD format, and should be in danceradvent/public/articles/2011 in the repo.

If you wish to undertake this task, please first propose what you plan to write an article about; at this time, the task will be assigned to you.  You can then submit a pull request against the GitHub repository when ready.
