GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 Apertium

Combobox improvements for apertium-tolk

completed by: EricY

mentors: Francis Tyers

Implement three improvements to apertium-tolk:

1) The combobox for selecting languages should be multiple column. If there are 22 language pairs installed, it becomes annoying to scroll. It should work more or less like the drop-downs on Google translate. E.g. a 6 column, by 10 row box. But of course, the columns should only be added as the rows fill up.

2) The languages should be names, not codes, and these should be localised.

3) The combobox should allow keyboard search when focussed. E.g. If i am focussed on the box, and I type 'e' it should go to the first entry which starts with 'e' then if i type 'n' it should go to the first entry which starts with 'en'. etc.