GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 Apertium

find a way to make apertium wiki use "databases"

completed by: Sushain Cherivirala

mentors: Francis Tyers, Jonathan

Currently, we keep coverage information for languages in pages like and then calculate averages on pages like and include those pages in places like and .

Your job is to find a way to have a single page of coverage numbers for a given language's transducer, like, where the individual numbers can be included separately on different pages.  It's possible that this could be done through a mediawiki Template (or two types of template: one for sources and one to collect a list of sources and produce a chart/average), where the default display is like the existing charts, but where an average (and individual numbers, ideally) could be extracted transcluded on other pages easily.  (It would be good to have the average automatically calculated via the template.)

Once you figure out a way to do this, you should convert the following languages' pages to the new system: