GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 BRL-CAD

Create a Parabolic Cylinder Model and Diagram

completed by: Richard Akira Heru

mentors: Sean

BRL-CAD provides a couple dozen distinct primitives.  Each primitive is defined by a set of parameters.  We'd like to have each primitive modeled with diagramming arrows and labels.

This task involves creating a right parabolic cylinder (RPC) and modeling the corresponding arrows/segments for all parameters.  Scalars should be dashed lines, vectors should be arrows.  Here's an example:


Make something like that for the RPC, but with different material properties.  That example put objects into a box for a particular visual effect.  See if you can get a better effect without the exterior box (you'll have to change shader properties).

Submit your .g file and a ray traced rendering/diagram of the model.  This command run within mged may help:

rt -s1024 -A0.75 -c {set ambSamples=128}