GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2012 Haiku

StyledEdit - additional shortcuts ( ticket #6859)

completed by: Przemysław Buczkowski

mentors: Eugene Katashov, Siarzhuk Zharski, Gerasim Troeglazov

The goal of this task is the implementing correct solution to fix issue described in Haiku Trac as ticket #6859. This is a coding task, for this task you will need to have a Haiku build environment setup, and be able to compile either Haiku or standalone StyledEdit project to fix the problem and check if your solution works. The basic knowledge of GIT SCM is also needed.


  • Install Haiku either on real hardware or in Virtual Machine (BTW, I can assist installing VirtualBox so it is obviously recommended by me);
  • Take familiar with the problem you should fix;
  • Get either the Haiku source tree or standalone StyledEdit project sources build it and find solution to fix the problem;
  • To fix the issue you should check function of all listed in the ticket description shortcuts and implement correct fix for those that doesn't work;
  • As noted in comments to this ticket using Ctrl-Pg-Down do not show selected lines at all - it should be also fixed if possible;
  • After completing this task, please provide us with the git-formatted patch implementing your fix.


Haiku Alpha A4.1 (required developer tools are included)

Ticket #6859 "[StyledEdit] additional shortcuts"

Standalone StyledEdit project at

Getting and building Haiku sources:

Varios Haiku development resources:

Haiku Coding Guidelines:

Good luck!