ownCloud: User testing of the News app

completed by: Thomas Gaubert

mentors: Alessandro Cosentino

OwnCloud News app has been recently implemented as a Google Summer of Code 2012 project. So far, all the tests have been performed by developers of the app or ownCloud developers. The student will have to test the app from a user point of view, without digging into the code, and report the issues on the Github infrastructure.
Two testing experience can be performed (which means two kinds of candidate): one from a user/student who has never used a feed reader, the second one from a user/student who regularly uses a feed reader (Google Reader, for example). See also: List of known issues on the app maintainer personal wiki (http://algorithmsforthekitchen.com/wiki/doku.php?id=owncloud_rssreader) and List of known issues on github (https://github.com/owncloud/apps/issues).

If you are interested in this task, please get in touch with me in #owncloud on irc.freenode.net, my nickname is zimba12.