Amarok: move old Rokymotion wiki articles to

completed by: Mayank Madan

mentors: Edward "hades" Toroshchin, Myriam Schweingruber

Amarok has an even older wiki instance where we regrouped all material needed for the advertising and promotion of the Music Player, as well as pages aimed at the end user:

This wiki will disappear shortly so we need to move as many pages as possible to the new places: for all articles relating to Amarok 1.x that should be linked to here. for all articles related to Amarok 2.x that should be linked to here.

The newly created pages should have no category tags. It is very important to also move all the images in their full resolution, integrating them as thumbs in the articles. For that you need to download the source file from the old wiki and upload it in its new place.

There are also some obsolete markups used, especially for image listings, these should be removed (mainly <gallery>) and the images reorganized in tables (for tables markup, please refer to the various Toolbox links in the right side menu).

Some pages have already been moved, so please take care to not create duplicate pages.


The student needs to be well organized, logic thinking, mediawiki editing skills are a plus

Task completion:

The task is complete if 30 pages are moved and documented in a spreadsheet, either *.ods or Google Drive, the URL links should be working.

Re-editing an already moved page does not count as "one page moved". If spam pages are found these should be only documented with a link but not moved. These also do not count as "one page moved".

The task has 3 days for completion, please make sure you did not forget anything and that all pages and images are moved with their full content.  Especially check that all links are working, if links point to pages that don't exist anymore, mark them as not working in bold.

We need quality work, so rushing to gather as many tasks as possible will not get you better noted for the final evaluation for the winners, on the contrary.We value good and thorough work and people who work well with the community much higher :)


If you are interested in this task, please contact Mamarok in #rokymation on I am in the UTC+1 timezone. Please be patient in IRC, I am not always at the computer so I might not see a ping within minutes. No task assignment will be given without a previous contac