GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 Copyleft Games

PySoy: Video of GCI 2012 Gource

completed by: Evgeny Shulgin

mentors: Arc Riley

Use Gource to create a video of the source code commits done during Google Code-in 2012.

Almost all the work for this will be in installing Gource, though you'll want to make sure to get all the source code repositories for PySoy included and some additional audio/video editing to add background music and start/end text explaining what is being shown.

This may take the form of a brief introduction that this video visualizes the work done by students ages 13-17 participating in Google Code-in 2012 for PySoy.

Make sure any background music you use is permissively licensed (eg, CC BY, as can be found on Jamendo) and uploaded with the CC-BY license to Youtube. Be aware that Youtube only permits CC-BY (aka Attribution) licensing, the share-alike and non-commencial clauses are not permitted on Youtube.

While working on this task you should join and remain in #PySoy on Freenode to get help, feedback, and guidance from mentors and other developers. Code updates which may affect your work are also announced here as they happen.

Upload the finished video to the PySoy Youtube Channel.