GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 Drupal

Design a Graphic Badge for "Drupal GCI 2013"

completed by: PCK-45

mentors: chicago web management

Badges are becoming more popular for students, consultants, employees, and companies to show off their participation in events and/or organizations. Not necessary, but it would be cool to allow the badge to be used in social networks such as FB/Li (open to ideas).

Deliverables: Create a graphic badge for "Drupal GCI 2013" in png/jpg, upload to d.o, and provide copy/paste HTML for yourself and other GCI students and mentors.

Examples include "I'm Going" or "I'm Volunteering" or "I'm speaking at " along with the logo of this event.

Resources: Search for other Drupal events and associations that have badges for members to put on their websites/blogs/whatever.