GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 Drupal

Add keywords to a Community Documentation page

completed by: Mark Klein

mentors: Varunity


Find at least 5 pages in the Community documentation that need attention, and fix them.

Skills needed

You need to be able to write coherently in English. Editing some pages may also require knowledge of the subject the page covers.

Detailed steps

  1. Log in to your account on, or create an account and then log in.
  2. Visit the Documentation Management/Status page (link opens in new tab/window).
  3. Use the filters to find a page that needs attention:
    • Choose Page Status "Needs copy/style review" if you would like to fix up the English grammar and writing style of a page
    • Choose Page Status "Needs technical review" or "Needs updating" if you would like to fix the technical information on a page
    • Choose Page Status "Incomplete" if you would like to write some new documentation
    • Use the "Title contains" filter to limit your search to topics of interest.
    • Use the "Top-level book" filter to limit your search to general areas of interest. The main top-level books are listed at the top of the Documentation landing page, and you can also see them in the Top Level Book column of the Management page.
  4. Once you have filtered according to your choices (click the Apply button to apply your filters), click on a page title to go to that page. If it interests you and you see an Edit link, click Edit. If not, return to the Management page and find a different page.
  5. When you are done with your edits, change the Page Status appropriately (at the top of the edit screen). If the page is fine, use "No known problems". If the page still needs some attention, choose a different status. Write a log message explaining what you changed, and what still needs to be done (at the bottom of the edit screen). Save the page.
  6. If the page needs some specific attention, add a comment to the page explaining what still needs to be done.

Background and reference information

Next steps: moving beyond this task