GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2013 Haiku

Expand the DESCRIPTION of 10 .recipe files if their current one is less than 2 sentences

completed by: Jakub Zárybnický

mentors: Humdinger, Emrys Demir, Diver

Many .recipe files in Haikuports have very brief DESCRIPTION entires.  For this task find 10 of them that currently have DESCRIPTIONS that are 2 sentences or less and write up a more descriptive entry for them.  This will require a bit of research to learn a little more about each of the ten.  This info will show up in Haiku Depot when a user it searching for programs to install.


Just a note about submitting your work for this one, we are now asking students to create a pull request at HaikuPorts with your recipe files. This speeds up the reviewing process and makes it easier for us to commit your final version.