Let's build a website together: Add your photo and links to social media

completed by: AW

mentors: Mario Behling

We have put up a basic site on fossasia.github.io. We want to develop a nice bootstrap website with pictures of mentors and students of Google Code-In. Please add your picture or if you have done it before a picture of a mentor to the site.

Step by Step

1. Please sign up for github, tell your mentor your username and join the FOSSASIA GCI students team: https://github.com/orgs/fossasia/teams/fossasia-gci-students

2. Fork the Website repository https://github.com/fossasia/fossasia.github.io  and make it run on your own repository with Github pages (more info here http://pages.github.com)

3. Add your picture in the image folder (Use the right dimension with a ratio 1:1). If you already added yourself in a previous task, please add a mentor from the GCI team to the site, please.

4. Include your picture and credentials (blog link, github user name, twitter, facebook - what you like) on the website index.html as an overlay.

5. Make a pull request to merge your changes to the original github repository of http://fossasia.github.io

6. Announce your work on your blog (if you have one), the FOSSASIA facebook page http://www.facebook.com/fossasia and tweet about it @fossasia and use the hashtag #FOSSASIA.

[IMAGE http://blog.fossasia.org/sites/default/files/fossasia-github-io.png]


Source Files of FOSSASIA Logos and more here: http://tinyurl.com/fossasia-graphics

How to use github pages: https://pages.github.com

FOSSASIA GCI Website: https://fossasia.github.io

FOSSASIA Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/fossasia

FOSSASIA Github https://github.com/fossasia/fossasia.github.io

FOSSASIA GCI Students https://github.com/orgs/fossasia/teams/fossasia-gci-students