GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 FOSSASIA

Design a GREY Tshirt for the FOSSASIA community or a FOSSASIA event

completed by: Samarjeet Singh

mentors: Mario Behling

Design a GREY Tshirt for the FOSSASIA community of a FOSSASIA event (e.g. for Singapore from March 13-15) with Open Source graphics applications. Consider using different Asian languages or cultural influences on your design.


  • Please use the FOSSASIA font or our vector graphics for your design
  • Provide your designs as a SVG file with vector graphic components
  • Export the file as a png for previews
  • Show the designs on a Tshirt outline

Useful applications


More Free Graphics Software, have a look on Wikipedia:

More info on Vector Graphics here:

Source Files

A folder with sample graphics is available here:

FOSSASIA 2014 Participants with Tshirt