GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 Haiku

Check the Hyper-V guide for errors, spelling mistakes and if it is up to date (Windows)

completed by: Hrishi P

mentors: Richard Nyhus-Smith, Sergei Reznikov, Urias McCullough, humdinger

Check the Hyper-V guide for errors, spelling mistakes and if it is up to date.  Follow all links to make sure they're not stale. Step-by-step verify the instructions. Add any steps or info that is missing.

Are there any TODOs that still need to be added? Have any steps been missed or not explained right? 

Are the screenshots of good quality or do they need to replaced? But it does look like they need to be cropped, as the reader doesn't need to see someones Windows 8 taskbar.