Write a guide on how to run Haiku in the jpc virtual machine

completed by: hometue

mentors: Scott McCreary, Richard Nyhus-Smith

In this task you will download and install JPC virtual machine. You will investigate what the possible ways of virtualizing Haiku in JPC virtual machine(Can you use an anyboot, a raw image, a vmdk image or can you only use a iso image?). 

Next you will write a how-to guide on how to run Haiku under JPC virtual machine, including screenshot of screens where need.

Have a look at this guide written in a past GCI for inspiration.

You don't have to do as many screenshots, but one or two is the tricky spots would be good.

The point of this task is to provide the details specific to running Haiku in a virtualized environment. From setting up configuration options/files specific to the host software, to currently known issues, to creating larger virtualized hard drives, etc. This is important in allowing others to be able to easily get Haiku up and running, allowing them to try Haiku without the risk of installing it to harddisk. 

This task will also give you experience in writing end-user documentation and will help your research skill while you investigate how Haiku can be used in this software.



Their website

Getting Haiku

Other guides for Inspiration

Haiku IRC chatroom