GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 Haiku

Check Haiku/app recipes for source links to osdrawer/Haikuware and replace them with links to github.

completed by: :Puckipedia

mentors: Richard Nyhus-Smith, Urias McCullough, Scott McCreary

We used to use a website called osdrawer which was provided by the team who latter created Maui OS, but we swapped over to github after we changed to git. We still come across recipes that still link to osdrawer and others that link to Haikuware. This is not good for the long term health of the database.

For this task you will need to check the recipes on HaikuPorts under directories with the name Haiku in them (apps, libs, data, games etc) and look at their source links to see if they link to osdrawer/Haikuware.

Now replace the links with with ones to github.