GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 KDE

Marble: Polish the "Create Item" feature in the Tour and add "Remove Item"

completed by: Mikhail Ivchenko

mentors: Dennis Nienhüser, Torsten Rahn, Sanjiban Bairagya, shentey

Please do the following actions:

- Rename "Add Balloon" to "Add Placemark" on the button and "Add Balloon" in the Dialog title to "Add Placemark to Tour.

- Reenable the visibility of the Style and the Icon configuration.

- Add a lineEdit to the header of the placemark that holds the "ID" of the placemark. This ID field should automatically have a suggestion for a unique id with small caps and no spaces (e.g. unnamed_placemark3).

- Add a checkbox to the Style tab which allows to change visibility of the placemark ("Show placemark"). By default the default should be true.

- Add a checkBox to the Description tab: "Show Balloon Popup". For the Tour the default should be true, for Edit Map the default should be false.

- Change the ListViewItem so that it also mentions the placemark id: Create Item "unnamed_placemark1".

- Add a "Remove Item" to the "Add Item" toolbutton drop down menu. The "Remove Item" action should add a "Remove Item" to the ListView. The "Remove Item" listview item should display e.g. "Remove Item "unnamed_placemark1"". Clicking "Edit" should reveal an inlined combobox "unnamed_placemark1" just like done with the lineedit for the soundcue. This combox holds all non-empty ids of features that are stored in the document. And the default should be the most recently created item. So this item should not display a dialog but only have an inline displayed combobox (similar to "Add SoundCue").

With this task completed it should be possible to Add and Remove items. Visibility of balloons and placemark names/icons can be controlled at creation time. Update::Change is not covered by this task.