GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 KDE

Marble: Research possible further integration of Marble with OSGeoLive

completed by: Sergey Popov

mentors: Dennis Nienhüser, shentey, Torsten Rahn

Part 1:

In a previous task updated packages of Marble have been created for OSGeoLive. This task is about analyzing what could be done in order to better integrate Marble with OSGeoLive.

- Check the cmake output of Marble to get all optional dependencies. Look for

"-- The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found:"

For us especially the packages libshp, quazip and libgps are of interest.But others might be interesting too.

Please check whether they get integrated already. If they are not yet integrated please check whether those packages are available on trusty. If they are not please check what steps it would require to integrate them.

Please also think about whether some of the package improvements should rather be done on Ubuntu upstream or on the OSGeoLive side.

Write everything down somewhere (maybe the best place for that is the OSGeo wiki or ticket system -  but it should also be noted on this task page).

Part 2:

OSGeoLive shipped with offline data of the full Blue Marble set. Please check whether this is still the case and investigate what would be required to make Marble use this data set.

Write everything down somewhere (maybe the best place for that is the OSGeo wiki or ticket system -  but it should also be noted on this task page).

Part 3:

Check the website and find out where Marble should have better visibility and better documentation. Write your findings down on this task page.