GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 KDE

Marble: Add Circumference and Perimeter to MeasureTool, Add more general information to the Infobox.

completed by: Ilya Kowalewski

mentors: Dennis Nienhüser, shentey, Sanjiban Bairagya, Torsten Rahn

Please add the following features:

- A "Circumference" property to the Circle Ruler settings. If the Circumference property is enabled then the circumference value should be shown unter the primary node in the same style as done for the area:




   180 mi

The Formula for the circumference is:

U = 2 * pi * R *  sin(d)

- A "Perimeter" property to the Polygon settings. If the Perimeter property is enabled then the Perimeter value should be displayed below the Polygon Area in the same style as the Area. Enabling the Circumference should enable the gray semitransparent background (just like done for the Area).

Additionally the Infobox that is displayed with the MeasureTool should display:

<b>Polygon Ruler</b>

Total Distance: ......

Area: ......

Perimeter: ......

(where the last two values are shown depending on checkbox state)

Or in the Circle Ruler case:

<b>Polygon Ruler</b>

Radius: ......

Area: ......

Circumference: ......

(where the last two values are shown depending on checkbox state)