GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014 Mifos Initiative

Do deep-drive competitor research and functional comparison with Loan Performer

completed by: SanjayR

mentors: Edward Cable

"Buidling off of the initial competitor research and due diligence completed by one of our GCI students, we want to do a deeper dive on the other software vendors including more details on their company, their business and support model, as well as comparison of their functionality. You will fill out and complete as many of the rows for this assigned competitor/vendor and put the corresponding information in the column with their name. Do as thorough of research via Google as you can including their website, software reviews, press releases, etc. If you have trouble finding information, you can also reach out direction to the vendor by contacting them as a student doing a research project. All information that must be gathered can be found in the Mifos X Competitor Matrix Google Sheet."